Thursday, May 04, 2006

The 13 Year Itch

My son will graduate from high school in 13 years. That's how long I reckon I have to wait to have a life again. I'm stuck for the interim in Buttfuck, U.S.A., unable to practice my chosen profession and suffering rejection after rejection as I try to get myself out of here. My husband doesn't want to leave. He wants to kick back, enjoy the small town life, drink strong coffee and grow his belly. I think I need some strong medication that will allow me to wake up long enough to be a happy Mommy while Jr. is around and otherwise permit a Van Winkle like nap until I'm 47 and can rejoin the living.


Anonymous said...

I have never been able to understand "glass half empty" people. How is it that you find the inner strength for triathlons?

Carrie said...

I have never been able to understand people who have never been down and therefore feel entitled to stand in judgment on people who admit they're going through a rough patch. Congratulations on your inner perfection.

Anonymous said...

hrm, you took my post as an attack, and also assumed that I think I have "inner perfection". I did not intend that,and I did not not expect your response. I actually was expecting something of the following: When I do a triathlon the physical pain makes me forget the other reality, etc. The opposing attitude of people to seemingly the same reality as mine have always been interesting to me. Not sure why I wanted to comment, maybe because I'm going through some mental reshuffling of my own before my first tri.

Carrie said...

Sorry, your comment took me by surprise because I haven't linked this blog anywhere and have mostly been keeping it as a place to vent. What a shocker that someone actually looked at it!

Triathlon training and other sports are just a good way to keep balanced, keep the dark thoughts at bay.

Anonymous said...

I found the link when I was looking at the beginnertriathlete website at who else entered the June 4th Pigman. You are one of the 7 other people besides me, and your blog link is posted there.

im JungleDoc

Carrie said...

Well yikes, now you'll meet me and reveal to everyone I know what a freak I am!

Anonymous said...

its all right, there are about 600 competitors at that race, ill be able to spread the word to only like 20 people around me at the swim start. but seriously, how is the bike course there, is it very windy or is there much tree cover?

Carrie said...

It's mostly north and south along an unprotected stretch of road between the park and Palo. Pretty windy, and the pavement is a little rough. There's a 180 degree turnaround at the north end of the course. Coming back to transition it's gotten very hairy in past years, with runners and cyclists going both ways and motor traffic on the course. I've witnessed several near misses.

Plain(s)feminist said...

I could have written that post - well, some of it, anyway. But I will not wait 13 more years here.

I secretly wonder if the fact that I am where I am in the midwest makes my applications to the east coast get thrown out more quickly, even though I spent most of life on the east coast and attended east coast schools. I am fairly well convinced that I have not a shot in hell at getting any 1-year positions out there - but then, I can't apply for them either, as it would most likely mean 1) giving up my partner's job, or 2) living away from my partner for a year.

Meanwhile, I mostly can't practice my chosen profession here, either.


Carrie said...

It helps to be able to say it, somewhere. Mostly I keep up a very good front at the office - I'm not in a profession where you get to be a curmudgeon. And I'm pretty nice to the fam. But there's some bitterness leaking out around the edges. I have a second interview in DC coming up. Fingers crossed.

Hang in there.