Monday, March 29, 2004

open road

I've been battling a stomach bug but felt good enough Sunday morning to ride about 35k (20+ miles), lots of hills, not too much wind, felt great. Did yoga again this morning. It takes care of all the little sore bits.

Friday, March 26, 2004

breakthrough at the gym!

It was a big day. I ran over to the gym for weights, and today I actually had a conversation with both Big Arms and her buddy Even Bigger Arms. I still don't know their names, but we're making serious progress. It's a small local gym so it was a little weird when the only other early morning lifters were total strangers. Now I feel more comfortable. The weight regime is coming along fine. I'm doing lots of core and tri-specific exercises (as recommended in the Triathlete's Training Bible). I feel very strong and haven't had a serious injury in ages.

The first (sorta) race is coming up May 1. It's a cycling tour, not for prizes, but still. Go hard or go home.

Thursday, March 25, 2004

running warm

This morning for the first time since maybe October, I felt warm running. I almost wanted shorts instead of tights, but not quite. Got a little excitement too: some meathead in a monster truck nearly ran me down and shouted at me bravely - from behind his tinted windows - to run on the sidewalk. If he ever got off his fat ass long enough to run a mile, he'd know that sidewalks are murder on your knees. And if he hadn't slept through whatever minimal education he has, he might know that I have as much right to that road as he does. These were the thoughts running through my mind as I finished up my run, which is too bad. There are lots of things I'd rather think about, but I tend to get hung up on things like the wetlands being destroyed for the new McMansion subdivision west of town. Gotta have that 4-car garage to park the SUVs, the boats, the ATVs, and of course, that monster truck.

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

like Lance - not

I was all set for a good ride this morning but woke up to a pounding thunderstorm. Chicken or prudent not to go out on the open roads on a metal machine in the pouring rain during an electrical storm? You be the judge. I went to the gym instead and did the cross country bike training program. Average rpms: 78, including the hills. I can't wait to get on my bike.

Monday, March 22, 2004

tried to ride

The wind Sunday morning didn't know I was there. It went through me without stopping, through the miracle fabrics like a miracle on its way from Minnesota to the Gulf of Mexico. I rode into it until I felt naked like a chicken under plastic down at Gary's. Then I went home. The computer is kewl.

Thursday, March 18, 2004

working for a living

What with it being slightly dark at both ends of the day (what is UP with this planetary rotation?) and my requiring a certain amount of sleep to function, it's a little tough right now to get in the workouts. I ran a little over half an hour at the field house yesterday (Wednesday), did a lot of footwork drills and sprints and felt fine, maybe a few twinges in the knees from running in circles. It's slowly but surely getting warmer, and as soon as I can be out running, skating, cycling in the fresh air things will be fine. Unfortunately, the thought of dragging my butt out of bed in the dark to go bounce around the gym does not fill my heart with joy. I'm a pure outdoorswoman. It's also important to see little Bu during the few hours a day we get to spend together while we're both awake.

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

On the Road again

It dumped snow yesterday, so the road's not looking so good. I also started a new job last week, which has me exhausted and struggling to keep up with everything. I got in a swim workout Sunday evening, was sick yesterday, and did yoga this morning. I'm trying to get back on the very regular schedule I had before the bar exam, but it's hard to get up that early and I'm knackered at night. It would help a lot to have some nice weather for inspiration! On the bright side, little Bu loves the snow and got to wear his bright red snowsuit this morning. Sophie the Large lies in the snow and eats it in delicate, drooly mouthfuls, percolating with delight.

Monday, March 01, 2004

like the wind

Got out the in-line skates for the first time this season and pushed the baby jogger + 43 pound "baby" around for about an hour and a half. What a blast! It got into the 50s here yesterday, gorgeous spring weather on the last day of February. I could have danced all night. By the time I got home my feet were a little sore from doing something unaccustomed, but not blistered. Little bu got cold but really enjoyed waving and shouting hi to everyone as we blew past. We went down one of the steeper hills in town flying with no brakes and he shrieked and laughed. Later he got on his little bike and wanted to go "fast like Mama goes." Heh heh heh. I'll make a skier out of him yet.