Tuesday, June 08, 2004

the heat begins

Last night was the first night we threw all the windows wide open and still couldn't get enough cool air. It had gotten cool enough by morning to be comfortable, but it will only get worse from here on in. I miss the high, dry country where no matter how oven-like it gets during the day, the land releases the heat at night. I woke up very early and did yoga. I feel a little sore, but strong, planning on doing laps at the outdoor pool tonight. I'm thinking very seriously of signing up for Olympic distance at the Dutchman in Pella on June 26: 1k swim, 40k bike, 10k run.

I went for lunch at Bu's preschool on Friday, and he's been getting lunch sent from home every day since. The major food group of the school lunch was cheese puffs. Fruit & veg consisted of an apple slice. The "main dish" was processed cheese, something balogna-like and butter on a white hot dog bun. It came with whole milk and a vanilla sandwich cookie. The whole thing was repulsive. Bu ate his cheese puffs and apple slice like a normal child but didn't want any part of the nasty sandwich and wasn't even too keen on the cookie. No wonder he's always starving when I pick him up. Today he's armed with a co-jack and mustard sandwich on whole wheat, raisins, almonds, yogurt, carrots and fresh apricots. Would it be over-the-top to get his lunch delivered from the great Indian restaurant up the road? The mother of the Indian boy at preschool says he has allergies and sends all his meals and snacks with him. I now suspect that this is a total fib so that no one thinks it's weird for her to send decent food for him.

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