Monday, June 14, 2004


For my sins, my mother has come to town. Oh, I don't mean it like that. She's really perfectly harmless compared to my father, who has obviously been possessed by the sort of slothful alien who can be trusted never to take over the universe and go landing his spaceship on an aircraft carrier only to leap out in full Top Gun gear to shout in his unearthly tongue, "Mission accomplished!" Oh no, my mother is a more subtle menace. She'll let me get my workouts in, but I will feel guilty about it. I will. I feel guilty already just writing this post. You see how insidious it is?

Bloody marvelous thunderstorms this morning scrubbed the long run planned. Swimming this afternoon unless we see recurrence of aforementioned bloody marvelous thunderstorms.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Sorry the comment process is a pain. Is anyone else having trouble with it? I was using externally hosted comments before and I might have to go back to that. Thanks for fighting your way through!