Monday, June 07, 2004

first tri of the season

Yesterday was the Pigman Triathlon at Pleasant Creek Recreation Area outside Palo, Iowa. I came in 11th out of 29 in my age group (one of the most competitive apparently) and 243 out of 486 overall with a time of 1:30:36. Dead on middle-of-the-pack, but the pack was mostly men so I don't feel so bad. Actually I feel great. The wetsuit made me much faster, so that my swim didn't really drag down my overall ranking. My bike was the fastest, as always, but my run was slower than usual. I think I was getting overheated by that point. I ran 8:22 splits, which is really slow for me. Afterward I felt completely fine, not even extra hungry. I'm thinking about trying the Dutchman Olympic distance tri in a few weeks, so as to make the sprints seem really easy by comparison!


Doug said...

Sounds great! ... but am still getting over "Pigman".

Carrie said...

Dude, you think that's bad then you oughta see the t-shirts. Up next: Dutchman, then Cornman!

ferenge mama said...

you rock, chica! congrats.

Carrie said...

Thanks! My super-competitive nature is working overtime to get used to being happy about finishing 11th (in my age group) and 45th in the female overall. I am rationalizing like mad about how this is really good considering this that and the other thing. Mostly I just want to win, but I'm not sure the legal career could take the strain of full time triathlon training.