Saturday, July 17, 2004


This morning I raced in the Iowa Games triathlon outside Ogden, Iowa.  I won't be getting splits on the legs or the transitions because they didn't use timing chips, and I don't think my official race time is right (it was over a minute more than what my watch showed at the finish).  But it was still a personal best.  The time I registered was 1:18:30 (theirs was 1:19:39), ten minutes faster than my previous best for a sprint tri.  The bike leg on this one was a mile shorter, but it was still a much faster race.  The swim went great, I was very competitive on the bike leg, and on the run I felt a lot better than I have lately while running.  Maybe eventually I'll find out my rank, maybe I won't, I'm not too worried.  We took off right afterward to get showers at the hotel and go see Dad at the VA.  It was a great race.
And what a funny race it was.  Not a USA Triathlon event, so everything was just a little ... different.  No security around the transition areas, no numbers on the bikes, no PA system, no race bag goodies, no particular anxiety about following the rules, just your basic no-frills swim, bike, run.  The crowd with the tricked out tri bikes, swish wetsuits, etc., was conspicuously absent.  A lot of first-timers, milk jugs for buoys on the swim.  It was all very Iowa and in fact very nice.

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