Monday, July 12, 2004

the deluge

Cornman Triathlon was yesterday at Union Grove State Park near Marshalltown, Iowa. Next year, I propose, they ought to call it Rainman. Definitely. I still don't have my time or place because shortly after the race finished the rains came down, the main tent nearly blew away, and we all had to run for the nearest cinder block building for protection from the oncoming tornado. Andy got so soaked that we had to go to K-Mart afterward and buy him a $9 shirt so he wouldn't catch pneumonia before we got home.

Anyway, a good race. The swim and cycling went really well, but my running is disappointing lately. I don't seem to be going at the pace I normally do, and when I get done my ribs hurt again. When I finally get the actual splits I'll post them. It's a fairly tasteful t-shirt, black with the logo in white, and we acquired a nice lawn chair that someone abandoned in the storm. Bu played Spiderman Fights Octopus Man and played a lot on the beach. When we got home everyone was so exhausted that we slept until dinner.


Carrie said...

Nope, Iowa plates and we live close enough that we didn't need a hotel. But yeah, that storm was unbelievable. We still have gear strung all over the place, drying out. Did you lose a chair?

Carrie said...

How about Iowa Games this Saturday? I hear it's a mass start, which will be a new one for me. A friend of mine is coming along for his very first triathlon.

APW said...

I do think that I saw you in the Lexus. Of course it's all a bit blurry considering the conditions at the time, but it certainly could have been me. But Carrie is right that we were nowhere near an AmericInn during the weekend.