Monday, May 10, 2004

bring the storm

Crazy ride this morning. I got out early, about 10 to 6, expecting at least a good hour on the road. Wonderful warm morning with very little wind, which turned out to be what's known as the calm before the storm. I got about 10 minutes north of town when I started to see lightning and a few minutes later the sky opened up. Ananda and I spun around and raced back for town, only to ride out of the storm completely a few miles down the road. I cut around and headed out the road west of town, hoping for better luck in that direction. Caught a little rain on my way back in, but nothing like the dump that was promising up north. Back home the storm hit while I was in the shower: the giants in the clouds swinging from the chandeliers, like Bu's Franklin the Turtle book says. The rain is good for my veggies and flowers, but it's going to make that bloody lawn grow even faster, not to mention the dandelions.

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