Wednesday, May 12, 2004


Long run this morning. Things got a little off track yesterday because the husband and I went out for a fabulous evening of salsa dancing and margaritas on Monday night that left me a soggy mess for work yesterday and not at all keen to buzz off for an hour's workout. I made up for it this morning by running almost an hour, way out past my favorite farm, getting buzzed by scary, territorial nesting redwing blackbirds. There was also a little adrenalin rush when I was almost to the train tracks, the lights went on, the arms came down, and the train started blasting away from maybe 100 meters down the track. It wasn't moving all that fast so I scooted around the arm and over the track with 3 headlights and a zillion pounds of steel bearing down on me. Gets the heartrate right up there, that does.

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