Thursday, May 20, 2004

a trip to the doctor

Not for me, fortunately, but little Bu is out of preschool for a few days with a nasty case of strep. His glands are so swollen that he looks like one of those desert lizards that swell up their necks to scare off predators, poor little bugger. He's acted like he felt really sick a few times, but mostly he's very perky and loves his new Candyland game. Sophia the Ancient also goes to the (animal) doc on Friday. She can hardly stand and has had a very bad cold pretty much the entire winter. Nothing makes it better.

I did the run/weights/run workout yesterday, felt great, did more than usual. This morning was an hour of yoga. I'd like to go to the track tonight, but darn, I have tickets to Cabaret. Tomorrow morning then.

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