Friday, May 07, 2004

one foot in front of the other

Big storm last night. It woke us up. I was wondering if the bike ride this morning would be possible, and when I woke up it was windy and cold. I thought about cycling. I thought naaaaaaah. I thought about running. My legs hurt. While I was thinking, I was getting dressed, putting on my fleece and my running shoes. I didn't want to do anything. Finally I thought, I'll just go for a walk, just to stretch my legs because they've been so tight lately. So that's what I did: I went for a long walk around town for about an hour, and I felt good. Softball tonight, canoeing this weekend. I need a little variety. It's been a long hard slog through the winter and I crave something new. The whole point of triathlon for me is to cater to my short attention span!

I also promised news of my dog on this blog. Her name is Sophie and she's a 12 year old Newfoundland who is, despite what Bu says, not afraid of the house. She can hardly stand up sometimes now - not dysplasia or anything, just old age - and I get behind her and haul her butt in the air so she can get her legs under her. We give her aspirin because it works as well as anything. She drags herself in and out, and on good days she walks a block to the grocery store with me, resting here and there along the way. She'll be 13 in August, if she lives that long. I think one day she just won't wake up, or she won't be able to stand at all and we'll have to have her put down. I can help her stand, but even between me and my husband it would be tough to carry her in and out several times a day. She still weighs well over 100 lbs. We'll do whatever we can. She's still my girl who shuffles over and lies on my feet so I can't get away from her. I'll miss her so.

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