Monday, May 31, 2004

Memorial Day

Beautiful day. We went to the Boy Scout pancake breakfast at the fire station this morning, saw the parade, and Bu got to bond with real live firefighters, climb in a truck, all that and a bag of goodies. The parade consisted of the Boy Scout color guard and the high school marching band, which ain't big, let me tell you. The whole thing was over in 5 minutes. It was such a big morning that Bu is currently taking a genuine nap. You don't see that everyday in Bulandia.

We're assembling the from-scratch playset that Andy's dad designed. It's a monument to overengineering. The thing will last forever. The nasturtiums, cucumbers and sunflowers are coming up and I hung all my flower baskets.

On the training front, I did the usual ride yesterday, to the next town and back. By my computer it's somewhere around 35k, but I always forget to check the exact distance. If I'm going hard it takes about an hour and 15 or 20 minutes. If I'm admiring double rainbows and cloud formations, it could take upside of an hour and a half. Sometimes you just have to stop and stare.

Today I meant to go lake swimming. I still might. There are a few errands to do, including checking into a tri wetsuit. Memorial Day means the presence of nearly immobile, cantankerous elderly people. You do what you can.

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