Monday, May 17, 2004


June 6 is the Pigman Triathlon in Palo, Iowa, not far at all from home. The fam and I drove up there yesterday morning to check out the course along with a first-timer triathlete from near Dubuque. Malvey came over with his family, so the non-competitors got to hang out. We did the bike and run as a brick and Malvey did some swimming afterward. I haven't bought a wetsuit yet so I wasn't ready to go leaping into a cold lake for a nice brisk swim. Either it will have to warm up significantly in the next 3 weeks or I'm going to have to suck it up and buy the wetsuit.

The bike ride was really good fun. A nearly flat course (sorry Iowa, but your charming little hills do not intimidate a Montanan) and a tailwind on the way *back* - that's what I'm talkin about! Coming out of the park I passed a couple of guys riding tri bikes worth nearly as much as my car. I mean, blew by them like they were standing still. What a feeling. They caught me later riding into the headwind, but I grabbed a wheel and let them pull me into Palo. The run crosses the dam across the reservoir, so there's a nice cross breeze. Felt fine the whole way, no knee twitches or anything. I wore my unisuit from Lake Washington Rowing Club. It's not quite like a trisuit, but it has a lightly padded butt and dries fast so it works really well for sprint distance. It was starting to rub me under the arms by the end. I might need to bring along some Vaseline on the day. Also baby powder for my socks. And my sunnies. And maybe a hat. Don't worry, I'm making a list.

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